What the freak is that panda gremlin?

This gremlin looking creature is called the aye-aye. Found only on the island of Madagascar, most people have been spared the knowledge of its existence. Until now. The aye-aye’s knobby hands are the things you see opening your bedroom door in your nightmares. The creak of the door, as those bony fingers wrap around your […]

What the freak is that cat-dog-mongoose?

With every picture of the fossa, I get more and more confused. What exactly is it? A dog? A cat? A mongoose? Frustrated with vague-looking pictures, I turn to its scientific name for answers.  The genus is Cryptoprocta. This translates to “hidden anus,” named after the pouch that conceals its anus. Absolutely no help. Thank […]

What the freak is that see-through greeny?

“The way to a man’s heart is through his stomach.” Literally. Look at his stomach. You’re looking at a glass frog. By glass frog, I don’t mean a glass model of a frog – this is an actual living creature called the “glass frog.” You may think this creature fragile because you can actually see […]