What the freak is that spiky hamster thing?

Meet Rexy the lowland streaked tenrec. Yes that’s his actual name. As of now. Rexy is on the hunt for a mate and he needs to be careful – a female that’s not receptive will warn him by erecting her quills. If ignored, the next place her spines are going are into his genitals. Literally. […]

What the freak is that ear umbrella?

Behold! The mighty dumbo octopus! Named for its fins that look like Dumbo the elephant’s ears, this group lives in the ocean depths below 13,000 feet, making it the deepest living of all known octopuses. I know what you’re thinking. “Wow! That’s deep!” You’re absolutely right. If you scuba’d down there, you’d get eaten before […]

What the freak is that fluff bug?

Kind of terrifying but also cute, this abominable snowman-looking thing is called a silkworm moth. Silkworm moths cannot fly. They are condemned to 5-10 days of wandering the Earth with their six awkward legs, searching for a mate, before they die of starvation. Why not eat? The silkworm moth Gods never bothered with those pesky […]